Blog – Websolutioncentre Blog Some Web Design Trends To Look Out For In 2017!

Some Web Design Trends To Look Out For In 2017!

The trends in web design keep changing. While some come and stay for some time, others vanish into thin air overnight! Again, at times, old trends unexpectedly come back in fashion. To keep up with the latest trends, it is always advisable to take the advice of a reputed website designing company.

So what has the year 2017 in store for us? Let’s have a look.

  1. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)

This open-source protocol enables creation of pages that can come up instantly on mobile devices. In fact, it makes the site load up to four times faster. What’s more, it also uses eight times lesser data. The good news is that Google has already started showing its favoritism for AMP sites by placing a small icon beside them in the search engine results.

  1. Personal Branded URLs

For those who adopt this methodology, it will go a long way in enabling them to gain an edge over their competitors as well as earn high rankings in search engine results.

  1. Voice Search

In the last couple of years, voice search option has undergone exponential growth, and there is no denying that it is here to stay. And why not? It is lightning fast, requires lesser efforts, and is futuristic too! It is said that in 2017, voice search will go one step further, and bring voice understanding in its purview.

  1. User Experience Optimization (UEO)

User experience is not a new buzz word and has always had an important place in web design. However, in 2017, there will be an increased emphasis on this term, with Google favoring sites offering an enjoyable experience to users, particularly on mobile devices.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Machine learning is now making inroads into search algorithms, thus making the whole process smarter than before. This implies the gradual end of black hat SEO tricks and the rise of unique and fresh content.

  1. Cross-channel marketing

Cross-channel basically implies the use of several channels to market a brand in an integrated fashion. For instance, if a user looks for a product on a mobile app, but does not purchase it from there, then the company may send targeted ads through emails or social media. The idea is to offer a consistent brand presence so that customers can seamlessly move across various devices & platforms to make their searches and subsequent purchases.

  1. Rich Answer/ Direct Answer/ Featured Snippet

On making a search in Google, one receives the required information in the search results in the form of websites, reviews, videos, and more. However, with the advent of structured data markup, viewers now receive a direct answer to the query followed by the other search listings.

Of course, there are several other trends that will shine in 2017. For more information on this aspect, one may get in touch with Web Solution Centre, a reputed website development company Delhi. Here are 3 Things You Need To Discuss With Your Website Designer Before Starting a Project.

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