Blog – Websolutioncentre Blog Let’s Understand URL Query Parameters

Let’s Understand URL Query Parameters

The SEO experts of a proclaimed digital agency in Pay per Click Marketing in Delhi, Web Solution Centre believe that query parameters can be a real pain for the website owners. I don’t know how many have you noticed this, but let’s just take a guess and say that most of you might have noticed this. WHAT? Have you ever visited a website before, and came across a weird thing in the address bar that the URL you have typed in has transformed into something very long, extended, mixed and complex, laced with numeric values, words and phrases, question marks and equal to signs? Yes, then you are seeing the URL filled with query parameters, which can be pretty complicated to read and understand.

Query parameters or query strings transforms an ordinary and easy to understand URL into something really complicated, more like a never-ending query string of characters. It is to be believed that these query parameters are usually added to the URL when you visit a specific page of a website, explore the deep nooks of a website or when you visit a website through a specific campaign.

Query String Example:

What is complicated is the “?pagetitle=nextsteps&code=a123&x=a009” part.

Let’s break down this URL so that you can understand it better.

Let’s dissect it.


There is a lot going on in this URL, and you can see lots of numeric values, question marks and equal to signs.

https: This is the first part of the URL which is, of course, the protocol. There is a list of other protocols that you might see in other website URLs, ftp://, https://, git://, webcal://, and gopher://, etc.

www: This is the subdomain which comes after the protocol. You can choose a subdomain of your liking and the list is endless. But just to make you understand here are few examples, www., secure., www2., mail., blog., webmail., etc. But, it is completely OK if you choose not to have a subdomain and there are lots of websites on the internet that choose not to have a subdomain.

websolutioncentre: This is the host or the domain name. Now you can put anything after the domain name, which largely depends on the configuration of the server configured to respond to the URL. There are lots of domain registrars on the Internet from which you can buy domain names like GoDaddy, 1&1, Bluehost, etc. Domain names often end in .com, .org, .net, .info, etc.

?pagetitle=nextsteps&code=a123&x=a009: Now this is the query string. You can recognize a query string with its complex formation and it always starts with a question mark.

This URL contains three parameters in it: pagetitle, code, and x.

Now each parameter will have a corresponding value indicated by the equal to (=) sign, in this case, it is nextsteps, a123 and a009.

The multiple parameters are always separated with ampersands “&

Here is the consolidated list of the three query parameters and their corresponding values.

  1. pagetitle=nextsteps
  2. code=a123
  3. x=a009

My name is Harneet Kaur Anand and I work for a digital agency in Delhi, Web Solution Centre as a content writer. I write articles on different industries including, Website Designing and Development, UX, UI, Video Marketing, Ecommerce, FMCG, Automobiles and many more. I write articles with the sole purpose of providing as much information as I can on a topic you are looking for.

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