Blog – Websolutioncentre Blog User Experience Design Trends to Look Out For in 2018

User Experience Design Trends to Look Out For in 2018

Let’s get it completely straight, there is no denying the fact that user experience is irrevocably the most important element of website designing. It is the quintessential factor that helps you garner customers and stay afloat in this highly competitive market. When visitors can’t seem to easily navigate and explore your website that is when you let go off a large chunk of customers, lose a good search engine ranking and eventually a positive ROI. So, the main factor that you must consider before you decide on building a responsive brand website is without an iota of a doubt should be an easy-to-use and exceptional user interface.

The experts of a highly acclaimed and approached company that masters the art of delivering Online Marketing in Delhi have chalked down some user experience design trends that will help you formulate UX strategies for 2018.

Content-Oriented Experiences: With major developments in web design trends that point straight towards minimal and flat design, the most important factor should rather be the focal point of a website, will now be under the radar of the visitor attention- CONTENT. When we talk about Content-Oriented experiences, we are referring to how content in the future will shape the structure of websites or in simpler terms, design. A content-centered design should not be restricted only to visual part of the design; the content on its own should be valuable and effective enough to attract customer attention.

Effective Personalized User Experience: Personalization these days has a lot of say even in the world of user experience. No matter how you are getting down to it, an email based on previous website interactions or text messages sent based on the geographical location of the visitor.  With this little bite the customers in the future will definitely hope for a happy meal when it comes to UX design personalization. Users these days are already in the chatbots induced coma. But, we can see, in the light of 2018 is the oncoming of hybrid conversational interfaces that combine NLP with graphical UI elements like images, videos, buttons, and menus.

Cloud-based Apps: Though we have seen how cloud-based apps have evolved in 2017, 2018 will continue to see the rise of these cloud-based applications. With advanced web technologies gracing mobile apps, it is necessary to have a larger storage space for these apps, which ultimately requires cloud-based storage. In case you are building apps that are connected to cloud, it is essential to consider a factor that demands the app should also be linked to Internet-of-Things.

Let us know, what you think will rule the world of user experience in 2018.

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